Friday, December 25, 2009

ChRiStMaS GrEeTiNgZ FoR AlL !!

I WiSh I WaS SaNtA..He KnOwS WhErE AlL ThE NaUgHtY GiRls LiVe ..... ;-)

What I want most of all this Christmas
is a world of love and peace
where all hatred and fear have ended and war shall ever cease.
In this very special season of pleasures great and small
We sing of hope and promise
And of peace good will to all.

What I want most of all this Christmas
Is a world where all are free
With a great multitude of colors
Who live in harmony
In this very special season
Of pleasures great and small
We sing of hope and promise
And of peace good will to all...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

SoLiD As A TrEe...

when i see your name come online

when i see your pictures on your site online

i feel everything will be fine

for you are there and can have everything thats mine

All my heart and all my soul

every little piece or myself as whole

is all your foerver and allways

as my heart says and i never doubt what it says

my life is so much better

since i decided i would go get her

and i decided to throw caution to the wind

and that decision was a godsend

life is full of ups and downs

we both have had a share of the downs

now maybe just maybe we can have

what might be the best we will ever have

for i know you make me better and happier

and all i can hope is you feel happier

with a man like me

i will be solid like a tree

holding firm and able to bend and sway

for whatever comes our way

and i will be true to you forever and a day.

Friday, December 11, 2009

CoMe OuT AnD SaY WhAt We'Re TrYiNg To Hide...

We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Never say goodbye when you still want to try.
Never give up when you still feel you can take it.
Never say you don't love a person when you can't let go.

I never thought I would meet someone like you. Until I met your eyes, my heart jumped. But then, I never thought you would leave. Making me look at my own eyes in the mirror, seeing nothing but hurt.

Love for another soul is like a gardener caring for their flowers....if you leave it undernourished it turns into a weed or otherwise known as hate but if you love it and strengthen it, it turns into the greatest gift of all.....LIFE

Unless it's mad, passionate, Extraordinary love, It's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life Love shouldn't be one of them.

Don't say we aren't right for each other, the way i see it is.. we aren't right for anyone else

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."

Never turn your head from love and later wonder why you have such a stiff neck

Don't let false love fool you, but don't let real love pass you by."

Don't use your eyes to look for love for it's your heart that knows it. Let yourself make mistakes and do learn from this. It is from this that you will accumulate your knowledge as to whether the person met is the one or not.

"Love purely and be happy it came in your way. If it hurts you then be glad because you've been touched by Love."

He may not be the most attractive, he may not say all the right words, but when you see him, you know he's the one that can make you smile, laugh, and cry all at the same time."

You never realize what kind of love you have, until you almost walk away from it; then it may be too late."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

YeStErDaY Is HiStOrY, ToMoRrOw Is MyStErY BuT ToDaY Is A GiFt.

Here are two days in every week about which we should not worry. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone!!

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. But it will rise. Until it does we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.

This leaves only one day: today.

Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of two awful eternities - yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down.

It is not necessarily the experience of today that disturbs one's peace of mind. It is often time the bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us therefore live one day at a time.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ShInNiNg In ThE SeTtInG SuN LiKe A PeArL UpOn ThE OcEaN...

Alone Together

As days passed by, as months goes by,
Each season brings in a new feeling with them…
Each season uncovers a new desire.

I want to lay with in the fields of flowers,
Enjoying the fragrances of spring…
I want to lay by the cool water,
During the hot boiling summers…
I want to stroll , admiring the changing colors of leaves,
During the fall of the sweetest autumns…
I want to find shelter,
From the harsh cold of the winters…

The soft roars of the wind make the leaves tremble…
The way my knees tremble,
When I think of you.

I can’t stand up,
I just feel like laying down…
In the freshly cut grass, the sweet fragrances of flowers mixed together…
Looking up to the blue sky ahead,
I close my eyes…
Lost in thoughts
I wonder what you are doing right now…
Listening to the whistling sound of the wind,
I’ll let it carry my dreams of you along.

When I’ll open my eyes again,
The sun rays caress my skin,
Softly, gently…
The way I wish your lips would.
The warmth of the sun spreads slowly,
Lightly, I feel like I can spread my arms
And let the wind carry me away…
Away, somewhere…
Where you are.

But instead, it’s my hair that’s getting carried away…
Wonder how it will feel to run my fingers through your hair…

Monday, October 12, 2009

LoVe HuRtS wHeN iT's ReAL....

If you could go back in time and change one thing about your love, would you want to change it?

If you really loved someone but she/he walked away and left you behind and then come back, would you forgive and forget and once again love that person?

Love is a strange thing, and sometimes people are blind when they fall in love.

You could love someone who does not love you, or you could love someone who you know you just can never be with...but that is life and if you can love and forget the pain, just fall in love.

If loving is hurting, I would rather hurt a little to know what love is then to not love at all.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

9 ThInGs I HaTe AbOuT EvErYoNe...

1. People who point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to get off their a** to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.

3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn Right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?

5. When people say while watching a film, "did ya see that?" No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor!

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"... Didn't give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

7. When something is 'new and improved'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.

8. When people say "life is short". What the hell??? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!!! What can you do that's longer?

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" If the bus came, would I be standing here???

Monday, September 7, 2009

We CoMe To LoVe NoT By FiNdInG A PeRfEcT PeRsOn, BuT By LeArNiNg To SeE An ImPeRfeCt PeRsOn PeRfEcTlY....

The beginning of love, is to let those we love be perfectly themselves and not twist them with our own image -- otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them? The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of every-thing...they just make the most out of everything that comes their way.

The best kind of friend is the one you can sit on a porch with, never saying a word and then walk away, feeling like that was the best conversation you've had.

Don't go for looks -- it can deceive.

Don't go for money -- even wealth fades away.

Go for someone who makes you smile, because only a smile makes a dark day seem bright. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched and those who have tried. For only they can appreciate the importance of the people who have touched their lives.

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance... and you find out you still care for that person. Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, those who still believe, even though they have been betrayed and those who still love even though they've been hurt before. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people, before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the right person, we should know how to be grateful for that gift. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But, what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past ... you can't go on in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in Their hearts. But, if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. There are things that you would love to hear, but you never hear it from the person you want to. Don't be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with their heart.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are smiling and everyone around you is crying.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door, that we don't see the one which has just been opened for us.

Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too. A sad thing about life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you ... only to find out in the end, that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone ... an hour to like someone...a day to love someone...but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

WhY Do We AlWaYs HuRt ThE OnEs We LoVe...

I know sometimes you hurt the person you love a lot; the reasons may be many or may be none but try to regret and learn from the things at one stroke otherwise you might do it again & again and you might end up hurting someone you truly loved and for her or him you'd be nothing at that stage.It'll be too late for you to apologize. Never fear to say Sorry. I accepted what I did and that's the best thing I could have done and may be if she really loved me even for some moments, she'll surely miss me.

Here's one song dedicated to her..

Here we go again,
Hurting each other for no reason
Wondering why we keep repeating
the same mistakes.
Seems the more we give,
The more we're disillusioned
Baby, what is it we're doin?
Are we so scared of give and take?

Why do we always hurt the ones we love?
Just when it seems we've fin'lly made a breakthrough
Why can't we fly between the eagle and the dove?
Why do we always hurt the ones we love?

Sometimes it seems
like the silence is between us
Get deeper than the meanest words,
Feel colder than the night
Everytime I feel as though
I'd finally gonna leave
It seems as though I just
cant praise a girl
Without you in my life woh...

And when you cry, I feel as though the tears are falling
from my eyes
Why do we do this to each other?
There so much we should be proud of
So many dreams that we have shared
I'd hate to think that we're arriving
Without you standing here.


Tell me why... do we hurt the ones we love? (Why?)
When we've fin'lly made a breakthrough
why can't we fly between the eagle and the dove?
Why do we always hurt the ones we love...ohh...

HoW To DeAl WiTh UnReTuRnEd LoVe..

Sometimes the person you're in love with doesn't love you back. Believe it or not, it happens to almost everybody. In any case, unrequited love is painful: It can even feel like torture. Find out how to make the best of it with these tips.

1. Limit the amount of time you spend with the person who doesn't love you. If you can, don't see them for a while.

2. Come to terms with the fact that they don't share your romantic feelings. You need to accept that it's just not meant to be so you can move on with your life.

3. Try writing a mantra such as "It's time to move on" on a slip of paper and placing it in your jacket pocket. Every time you reach into the pocket, pull out the slip of paper, recite the words in your mind, and put it back into the pocket. This will help reinforce your commitment to getting on with the rest of your life.

4. Stay busy. Take up a new hobby such as painting, skateboarding or playing the drums. Join a sports team or work your frustrations out through exercise. It doesn't matter whether it's running, swimming or squash: Find something you like and commit yourself to it. Both your body and your heart will feel better.

5. Surround yourself with those who do love you. This could be your parents, grandparents, siblings, other friends or even pets. Don't be afraid to ask them for a little bit of extra moral support.

6. Hang around with friends who make you laugh. Chances are, at least one of your friends is brilliant at getting your mind off of the person who's causing you pain. Let them help you not take life too seriously.

7. Take some time each day to focus on a few of your good qualities. Remind yourself that you're a great person even if someone out there doesn't like you in a romantic way. Think about what other qualities you'd like to have -- more confidence, better taste in music, better dance skills, etc. -- and set some goals about attaining them.

8. Remind yourself that it would not be any fun to be with someone who didn't feel as strongly about you as you did about them. Think about what love should like and notice how equality plays a big part. You deserve to be treated the way you want to be treated!

9. Remember another emotionally difficult situation you've been through and how you got through it. Adopt some of the strategies you used in that situation to help you heal from this heartbreak.

10. Take a little time to nurture yourself, whether it's with a good few good books or movies, some extra time with friends or simply getting a bit more sleep.

11. When you're ready, start hanging out with other people you'd consider dating. Give yourself the chance to fall in love again and you undoubtedly will.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I ThInK I'm FaLliNg..

Speaking of randomness, I was browsing youtube when a video caught my eyes. I haven't heard of this song before but hey, this is, I decide to share it here. Enjoy!

It's better to show your love then saying it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

LeAvE oLD PiCtUrEs In ThE PaSt !!

We sometimes forget to admire things when they are around and fail to assess the true value of the relations around until they happen to be away from us. It might be an intentional or unintentional behavior to praise but its hard to make for the small loss that we just ignore.

Relations around us are always there, we never are really alone but we fail to notice this till we really happen to feel lonely. There are several ways to acknowledge if you have made the same mistake of ignorance to praise the relations around you. I know the people may not ask or is waiting for you appraisal but take my words it does matter, and it matters the most. Try thanking or saying sorry to someone near to you and just see how you make them overwhelmed with your words.

Its not that we should say Thanks when someone really did good thing or say sorry when we did something wrong to others... Sometimes these magical words simply works as always and work in a different way when we say it just like that sometime to the near and dear persons around us to tell them that its not that we may have failed to say it at the right time but its not like that we don't care...

Try it once and see the magic...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My FaItH Is ShAkInG...

Broken Dawn

Late at night when sleep won't come
Inside my head that beating drum
and how she left me standing at her door

When I think back to all the days
spent in her arms, that loving gaze
all we shared like shards upon the floor

Words were thrown like slivered glass
pierced and rended heart at last
could I live life like that and more

Did the heart that opened and I adored
get bumped and bent and over-scored
Into an angry, hurtful voice that I abhor

The years of hope now tarnished seem
with blinded eyes I held the dream
of finding someone true for evermore

Oh how does Love get split in two
what can be done to get us through
those hurtful drumbeats, crashing down the door.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

YoU GoT To LoSe To KnOw HoW To WiN...


My heart was not prepared for this
yet it has happened
Though it has been stolen
by unkind deceptions
before you ever came

For this reason, I am wary
Having been torn from my bosom
so many times before
I have kept careful vigil
That I might avoid that
Cruel little death I so abhor

Cut by jagged foul blades
so cruelly and insipidly incised
Obsidian rending flesh
while I screeched in ever
increasing and unyielding pain

So mortally damaged and deranged
I locked and barred the portals and edifices
Of the bashed and battered
mound of now pulpy flesh
That none would do such harm again

and then came a gentle rapping
and a kindly yet urgent voice
sweetly singing at the barred
and barren portal so ensconced

NAY say I, none shall ever
be worthy of interloping here again
No more injury could occur inside
without imminent death of being
Off with ye, none has trodden lightly afore

Still, I heard a tapping
and the sweet singing
that was present here before
and now words can be
heard within the gentle song

aye tis another grand deception
thought I, one more cruel trick
with which to mortally flay me

But this entreat was different
it came with a ring of truth
No bold professions of everlasting
and undying falsities

And as I listened, these words
were different than all before
there were no if's or but's
maybe was never uttered

Clear and untroubled it came
expressed in simple words
honesty, compassion, hope
Intrigued by this
I threw one bolt to better hear

Naer once did I hear the one word
I had been fooled by so many times before
Caring, kindness, healing
I heard these, for the first time
And for the first time, sensed
A simple profound truth within

Locks opened, the door inched
apart a fraction that I might hear
"I will not hurt you" and even though
these same words I'd heard before
The gentle manner in which they
were expressed, was unheard of

" I will heal you if you let me in"
" I know who you are"
What is this? None came close
to this before.

The chains dissolved,
locks, door and all turned to dust
I was understood
I was healed

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AnOtHeR DaY HaS GoNe I'm StIlL AlL AlOnE HoW CoUlD ThIs Be YoU'rE NoT HeRe WiTh Me....

"For You, About You"

Was walkin down the memory lane,
And there was a turbulent storm.
I can't recollect much,
But whatever little I do, is too beautiful to be true.

The storm was strident, the storm was wild,
Amidst stood a pillar, the unsung, the unrealised.
Tumultuous waves,tempestuous winds surrounded her,
Yet the pillar stood firm, assured, strong and distinct.

I recognise, I relate, I can redefine her today,
She believes its chimerical; rather impossible she would always say.
Pure, eternal souls which God made really few,
Yes one is you and only you.

So much untold, so much unlived, so much hidden,
Yet it feels the book is open, with pages crisp and forbidden.
I know its late and may be we are close to an end,
But the feeling is true, the feeling of a friend.

You are the music maker,
You are the dreamer of dreams.
I may not be the the best one to tell who you are,
But you are one of the few who is and will always be.

Your voice reveals; didn't get to read your eyes though,
Maybe you are missing the expected, facing the unexpected.
You may laugh at life with cardor of a child,
Inside you is a mature woman; strong, intense; yet innocent and mild.

You really make me believe that I too am somebody,
And believe that days are gone when I was nobody.
Your presence brings a rainbow after the rains,
for you can sketch a silver lining in every stress and strain.

I can't change the past, with all its heartaches and pain,
And I apologise for just not being there.
May be the future doesn't hold me long enough to be there to share,
But I can be there now whenever you need me to care.

Monday, August 24, 2009

We’Ve RuN OuT Of WoRdS, We’Ve RuN OuT Of TiMe, We’Ve RuN OuT Of ReAsOns...But I'm ThErE FoR YoU !!

To Be Or Not To Be

Do you know how it feels like?
When you don’t know what you want.
When it is around you, you feel the warmth,
When not, you don’t feel the chill.
When the heart, mind and soul do not sing in unison,
When there is a conflict between stars and desires.
One moment it is beauty and in another, the beast,
One moment you are the world and in another, anyone but you.

You feel the moira, the cosmos are trying,
But the question is Do you want it to try?
There are flaws too many to count,
Yet there is sempiternal goodness, that all may count out.
My conscience and control say don’t dare to dream,
But my dreams take their own course.
The qualm and quandary in me is not just my reflection,
It’s a reflection of perception of my dream too.

I don’t know is it a good dream or a bad one, neither the dream knows.
I don’t know if I’m capable of living this dream, neither the dream knows.
I even don’t know what the dream yearns, neither the dream knows.
No one knows about this dream, neither the dream knows.
Many a times I haven’t known about myself, but the dream has always known.
But in this tide, why do I have to keep the dream away?
I know it is and will be as beauteous, but is it the best?
The dream maybe is too sure on one edge and I too unsure on the opposite one.

It is with this dream, my saved up wishes come out.
Sometimes wish to see the dream in its eyes and its eyes everywhere around.
I don’t want to wake up, the dream is beautiful.
The dream is a mirage, maybe deserved, maybe way ahead.
The heart fears the dream may leave,
Leave me beyond forever and I may still be sleeping.
Its been long and has been this way and may be will always be.
And I surrender to the skies for they only will perform the mirabilia if it is meant to be.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ThErE's A WoRlD OuTsIdE EvErY DaRkEnEd DoOr..

I just can’t sleep. I cant even take you out of my head. I think of you endlessly like my promise of loving you forever.
You may lose your grip but never will I. You may forget what we had and having me one time in your life but i will never ever forget how happy I am when you came and stopped by for a while in my life.
You may broke your promises to me and may be I am angry for sometime. You may hurt me but I will love you still. You may see me cry but there will be still laughter beneath those tears because your there in my darkest days.
I’ll give my all just to have another moment with you. I can even risk my life just to save yours. I am so deeply in love with you.
I will never leave you in your darkest times.
I’ll be your light when your too scared in the night.
I’ll lift you up when your too weak to stand up.
I will never ever let go of you.
Your memories.
The way you smile.
The way you lock your hands into mine.
The way you look me in the eyes.
The way you say how much you love me.
There is a boxful of sweet good memories when you leave.
Memories that will be kept here in my heart and mind.

You TeLl Me ThAt YoU NeEd Me ThEn YoU Go AnD CuT Me DoWn...

A Friend I Lost Somewhere

You and me were a witness, some things did change,
The times, the situations, the expressions have become oh’ so strange.
What was the altercation that led to this alteration,
Was it me, was it you or was there a glitch in the relation.

It started as if it would never end,
I felt fortunate, I knew I had a true friend.
There was no foreboding, no things to hide,
Heart felt a promise that seasons would slide.

Emotions, esprit, equations, everything seemed fine,
I believed in your beliefs and you in mine.
I had your wings and I could fly.
Didn’t care for the world, who wanted to hold me by.

But somewhere we forgot that we had promised to stay,
For days and days we went on repugnant ways.
A strange silence between the two,
A different me and a different you.

The bond was shattered, we surely had one.
The paths seemed barren on once we had run.
You made your friends and I made mine.
But there was a feeling which wasn’t fine.

We wanted to talk, but there was a ghost we feared,
A ghost of misunderstanding, the backwash of which we both teared.
Some times were dark and I wanted your light,
But don’t know why, couldn’t ask you to make it right.

There were differences, I won’t deny.
But the warmth and care was always standing by.
The comity and concern didn’t shook a bit,
It was just that I had stopped myself from showing it.

I regret the fact that we didn’t clear things out,
Why did we allow the misunderstandings to pile up and mount.
I wanted to tell you that I am not a foe,
But stopped myself coz I felt you really wanted to go.

You made me realize, you made me rise,
I felt a miracle as I saw a friend in your eyes.
Memories of moments can never fade away,
You’ll be a friend, who will always always stay and blossom.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'd RaThEr FeEl PaIn ThAn NoThInG At AlL...

Everyone in this world has a jigsaw-puzzle-like life. Every fragment represents the things we want in life and is essential to make our lives complete. They could be wealth, power, fame or love. But what could be the hardest one to find? Wealth? It takes great perseverance. Power? It takes great strength. Fame? It takes great persona. But love… it can take us a lifetime to find someone who can replace those little fragments of the puzzle and fill in the missing pieces of our soul.

Lucky are those people who have been able to complete their puzzle without scouring too hard. In some instances, some people were bewildered by the wrong one which had given them that special spark or that fuzzy feeling. Whatever you call it. But sparks may die down like fireworks and the “fuzzy feeling” has always been a subtle sign. If they’re not meant to fit in our lives, they won’t, no matter how hard we try to.

We might get amazingly blinded by the wrong one and just pass over the right one and would only realize it after all the chips are down. Usually, but sadly, it’s always too late to get them back.

Well this isn’t about picking the wrong one. It’s about finding the right one.

I AiN't GoT NoThInG To HiDe BaBy I TeLl YoU My SeCrEtS..

I tend to worry a lot which makes me over think a lot of stuff. This can lead to anything, and that's the bad part. It tends to end relationships dead and I was just wondering how everyone copes with the whole worry thing, I mean I have nothing to worry about but i still do and I shouldn't because I already know the answers.

So really m asking for advice on how to control it instead of questions. . . . . so any ideas would be much appreciated :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LoVe Me, HaTe me... SaY WhAt YoU WaNt AbOuT Me !!

Dreams Blossom Into Priceless Treasures

It is natural for me to miss someone but this girl I used to love is different for she makes me feel that I'm out of my mind. Every time that I'm alone and whenever I hear love songs playing on the radio my tears starts falling down on my cheeks.

Well, I cant blame myself for I loved her unconditionally. I expected too much on her. I thought that she can love me the way I do. I believed on promises she made and its late when I realize that promises are made to be broken.

Now I had learned one solid thing; that nothing in this damn world is permanent. Everything will fade; beauty, things, memories and also love. It just depends on the person how will she handle it and if she will enjoy every moment of it.

Every person wishes to find their love and live happily ever after but unfortunately real life doesn't work that way. We gotta take life for what it is and live it to the best that we can.

It sucks how one can treat me like that but things are better off for me right now. Who's to say what the future will hold for either of me but as long as I live in the moment with no regret, I'll get what I deserve and just hope for the best for her too.

WoRdS Do HuRt. WhEtHeR Or NoT YoU AcT Or ThInK LiKe It DoEsN't, It Does.

If only in dreams

If in dreams I could still have you,
if in dreams you'd still love me too,
if in dreams there could still be me and you,
then I won't wish for reality if it only means losing you.

If in dreams I could still hold you,
if in dreams your promises would be true,
if in dreams you wouln't find someone new,
then I won't live in reality if it means living without you...

If in dreams you would always stay,
if in dreams, beside you I still could lay,
if in dreams nothing could come our way,
then I won't ask for reality if reality means pain...

If in dreams I could still feel your kiss,
if in dreams you'd treasure our mem'ries,
if in dreams it would still be me that you need,
then let me keep on dreaming if reality means tears...

If in dreams I would still feel your body next to mine,
if in dreams we could last a lifetime,
if in dreams I could turn back the hands of time,
then I won't ask for reality if it means you'll be leaving me behind...

If in dreams you would come back,
if in dreams we could have what we had,
if in dreams we would never be apart,
then in dreams I will live because reality hurts so bad...

but then again dreams are just dreams,
I'll wake up again after a long sleep,
the pain goes on as the new day begins,
for the dreams I held in my heart got away with just a blink...

Why I HuRt YoU Is I ReAlLy DoN't WaNnA Do BuT I Do It MaY Be I Am GeTtInG ToO PoSseSsIvE. WiSh U LuCk !! MaY U AlWaYs BlOSsOM


Here I am, restless in my bed again.
Wondering if I ever cross your busy mind.
Wondering if the sight of your face will ever light up my eyes again.
I am afraid of losing you.
Afraid that I will never touch you again.
I miss the memories we made.
How we made love everyday.
How every word you tell me comforts even the deepest fears I have.
I love you.
And because I love you I will justify how devoted I am to you.
Regardless of what happened, I will never give up on you.
I will never quit on the promise my love made to you.
Your love for me I could never repay,
And someday you will see that we were meant to be together.
We were meant to get married and have kids.
We were meant to live our lives with nothing but love to fall back on.
I love you.
And because I love you, here I am.
Restless in my bed again.
Wondering if I ever cross your busy mind.
Wondering how a perfect love can go wrong.
But I will never give up because I am in love.
I may falter, but I will never fail.
I am too persistent to fail on you.
You are my driving force, the reason I do my best.
But without you, I am lost. I cannot go on.
So I'm asking myself,
Why am I here restless in my bed again.
Wondering if I ever cross your busy mind.
And today I swear this vow.
I am not an angel but I am true.
I will always love you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A LeSsOn I'vE LeArNeD ToO WeLl, FoR SuRe So DoN't HaNg Up ThE PhOnE NoW..

So I’m still on a little blogging break. Hopefully I will be back next week with Stuff To Say.

Maybe I'm being cynical but i don’t feel like falling in love again which makes me actually feel a little wounded and makes me think I might be alone for a while. Is this a bad thing?

Maybe but i enjoy my days and I'm inspired. It can’t be a bad thing to care for yourself and do things out of love and not for personal gain. My life has clarity and rings like crystal which is an amazing feeling.

I first discovered this in free diving. when you dive to your threshold it becomes a matter of trust in yourself. Your body tells you to turn back and your mind barks but you don’t turn back because you know something greater than what your body is capable of telling you. I believe this same act applies to matters of the mind and even the heart.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

FrIeNdShIp DaY SpEcIaL !!

I write a blog and I sometimes write in a personal fashion, and people connect to that. Friendship is not a state of mind, it’s an act. It’s something you do, it’s not about whether you’re good or not, it’s not a reflection of you, it’s a balanced relationship between people. That doesn’t mean it’s always balanced at every moment. Sometimes you “need a friend” and other times it’s the other way. It’s a trust that’s returned. Friendship and love are not quite the same thing, although there’s a lot of love around friendship.

sometimes in friendships we're quick to blame others in times of trouble. But there are friends that just do the right things at the right moments. My best friend is an example. I'm not saying everything is perfect – we've had our fair share of rough patches but there are times when I needed her and she just seem to be there. She makes things so easy for me even when I'm down depressed to the rock bottom.

So take a moment and think about a friend who's been there for a long time and who had always helped you and appreciate them. Here's just a couple of points on how you can do that:

* Make your friend a mixed CD of all the songs that define your friendship (or ones that you just happen to mutually like!)
* Submit a Friendship Tribute to your friend to be posted on the web.
* Call all those old friends you haven't spoken to in ages.. remember the girl scout motto: "Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold"!
* Write a nice card for your friend telling them how much you appreciate their friendship.
* Spill out your heart to them as though there is no tomorrow.
* Make a special friendship book for your best friend. Include photos, quotes and poetry telling your friends how special they are.
* Send your friend a Happy Friendship Day greeting online to brighten their day.

I NeVeR WaNnA HeAr YoU SaY, I WaNt It ThAt WaY..

Don’t stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you
Dream of falling in love
Anything you’ve been thinking of

When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you

Try not to worry ’bout a thing
Enjoy the good times life can bring
Keep it all inside you
Gotta let the feeling show
Imagination is the key
‘Cos you are you’re own destiny
You never should be lonely
When time is on your side.

Friday, July 31, 2009

NoThInG's AlRiGhT, NoThInG's FiNe..I CaN't Go On LiViNg ThIs WaY..

At first when we met
We said hi

Now we’re still friends
But we’ve said goodbye

I gave you a chance
And you rejected

You said it’s not good right now
And you stand corrected

You see what you’ve lost
At least I hope you do

You see what others can have
But not you

I don’t mean to sound conceited
Or vain in any way

I’m just merely pointing out
What you had, and threw away

I liked you a lot
I honestly did

But did you feel the same?
Were there feelings you hid?

If you had feelings for me
You didn’t show it

Because things are over now
And I didn’t know it

If you didn’t have feelings
Then why did you say so

When the only person you trust, lies
Then where do you go?

I just wanted to say
Thought you needed to know
These feelings I have

Need to be let go …..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It'S NoT ThE LiEs ThAt YoU SiNg, BuT WhAt ThE SiLeNcE WiLl ScReAm..

I used to think it was love that kept us together. It's not; it's nothing more that the infatuation we seem to have for each other.

So I learned eventually how to become a master at it like her. Fake. Fake the smile, the laugh, the personality, everything. I even admit now there are parts of me that aren't really me but mere replicas of her. These parts allowed me to not care. Not care about what I did, who I hurt, what would happen and it made me feel good. I felt liberated. ...Slowly, I am seeing how this now affects my life. My "love" life is doomed for failure practically, seeing how I don't think I want love, just a temporary happiness. Myself as a person, I don't know completely who I am, as cheesy as that may sound. I find myself constantly contradicting myself and my actions.

I loved her. And I still do. And for that reason I will almost always resemble her in some way.... in the smile, in the walk, in mindset. It's what made me exactly what I'm not today.

How do u just suddenly stop loving someone, u promised me the world and n return i got heartache. U ruined the last bit of trust i had, and still I love you. My feelings wont seize, everyday we don't talk kills me a little more. I miss u, your voice, your smile, everything... i just miss u, and even tho i know we shouldn't be together, how do u know when its really over?? How do u close the book and open a new chapter when your not ready to move on. How do u put your feelings aside and move ahead. How do i go on without the girl i love??

So no matter how much my heart is going to break, I've got to let her go so she can know just how much I love her. Maybe if I'm lucky, she'll come back, but if not, I can make it through this.

I am encouraged by the existence that love is out there. That it has existed in my life in several varying shades and rhythms, and no one experience was any more or less value strictly due to his tenure or tenacity. I am shaped by *all* of my experiences, and my chosen response to them. And if I like who I am now, which I most certainly do, it is only because of that mish mash of perception, with a small dash of arbitrary reality, has made me that person.

And it's nice, because when being given the opportunity to peer into the windows of a different house of love, I learn to appreciate all that I have had in my life, and all that I have...and will have.

Forever and forever and forever.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MaYbE YoU WeRe RiGhT BuT I WaS LoNeLy..I DoN't WaNt To FiGhT..


Well I was moving at the speed of sound.
Head-spinning, couldn't find my way around, and
Didn't know that I was going down.
Yeah, yeah.
Where I've been, well it's all a blur.
What I was looking for, I'm not sure.
Too late and didn't see it coming.
Yeah, yeah.

And then I crashed into you,
And I went up in flames.
Could've been the death of me,
But then you breathed your breath in me.
And I crashed into you,
Like a runaway train.
You will consume me,
But I can't walk away.

Somehow, I couldn't stop myself.
I just wanted to know how it felt.
Too strong, I couldn't hold on.
Yeah, yeah.
Now I'm just tryin' to make some sense
Out of how and why this happened.
Where we're heading, there's just no knowing.
Yeah, yeah.

From your face, your eyes
Are burning to me.
You saved me, you gave me
Just what I need.

And I crashed into you,
Like a runaway train.
You will consume me,
But I can't walk away.

Chris Daughtry

YoU ArE LoVeD !!

Even when you find no one around you, you are loved.

Even when you don’t know what to do nor where to go, you are loved.

Even when you can’t do anything
but stand still and weep, you are loved.

Why so?

Because with the love you were given life.
With the love you are alive here and now.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm GoNnA ShOw You I'm AlRiGhT, I'm JuSt FiNe..

What more could we want out of life, than a sense of peace and happiness?

I’m beginning to learn that happiness is just one of those things that comes and goes, like the tides of samsara, forever changing, never remaining the same. Something that triggers the experience today may no longer trigger it tomorrow.

Peace of mind however, is one of those things that I think we just over-look all too often. As we search, and crave, and chase desperately for ‘happiness’, ‘peace of mind’ seems to just slip us by.

Here I find peace of mind. Away from the chasing of happiness and selfish desires, peace of mind is in living a life of purity. Peace of mind is not over-indulging and chasing what we believe we don’t have. Peace of mind is what’s left when all of that is removed.

Here, it doesn’t matter if I get mad at somebody. Tomorrow I’ll be in a different town, with a whole lot of new, unsuspecting people to yell at. Here it doesn’t matter if I’m not full of beans and loving life every moment of the day. Here it doesn’t matter if I’m not the best friend in the world all the time, or the hardest worker, or the most popular person, the funnest person, the funniest person, or any of these qualities we wished we had.

In fact, here, it doesn’t even matter what anybody thinks about me.

So unworthy of everything. Turn them into a vessel for her. Sounds like a best seller to me. I don’t care if I have to give it away. This story need to be told. I look at myself from how I used to be and how I am and I amaze myself at times. That’s just real there have been so many situations where I would have never allowed things to just play out. There are times that it would be nothing for me to act a fool and hurt other people’s feeling.

WhAt'S BeEn SaId BeTwEeN YoUr HeArT AnD MiNe..


Thoughts enter and leave my mind,
Slowly spinning their web,
Soft and inviting.

Some stay forever,
Nudging and evoking,
Silky yet strong.

Lingering in corners,
Springing forth,
Forced into corners.

Stinging and soothing,
Soft and sharp,
Lingering in corners.

Tears of joy,
Lost love,
Memories of time.

Colors faded,
Flowers wilted,
Dust in the corners.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

WaTcHiNg ThE WoRlD SpIn RoUnD WhIlE My DrEaMs FaLl DoWn..

Who I Am Is Not Who I Want To Be

It was so tiring trying to be someone I am not and not being true to myself. Thinking the whole world is watching me left me on edge and unable to be me. It took realizing that I am not a bad person. I deserve to be happy, go after my dreams, and to live my life the way I wanted.

It isn’t going to be easy and I know I will fall a few time, but I will always get up. I will not let this world break my spirit or my desire to better myself. As long as I don’t step on people as I move forward towards my dream then I am okay.

I let go of those people who were not treating me well. It is hard to let go of people we have shared our lives and hearts with but I know that there is a reason they are in my past and not my present. That was probably the hardest lesson for me. Letting go of someone I cared about. I decided that a true friend is someone who makes times for you no matter what. They make you a part of their life and don’t keep you hovering around the edges.

We all have our own individual journeys to take.This is your story to tell, you just have to pick up your choice of utensils (voice, art, pen..etc) and tell it to yourself, to the world, to no one..its your choice. But you have to tell it because if you don’t someone else will.

You just cannot dwell in it and let it engulf you. Remember to take a deep breath, let go, and begin again.

LeT Me PaInT ThIs PiCtUrE FoR YoU..

What Goes Around Comes Back Around

Hey girl, is he everything you wanted in a man
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand

So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you babe
Me and you until the end

But I guess I was wrong

Don't want to think about it
Don't want to talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way

Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?

Is this the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...

What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around.

Now girl, I remember everything that you claimed
You said that you were moving on now
And maybe I should do the same
Funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
Thought it was me and you, babe
And now, it's all just a shame
And I guess I was wrong.

Let me paint this picture for you, baby

You spend your nights alone
And he never comes home
And every time you call him
All you get's a busy tone
I heard you found out
That he's doing to you
What you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes

You cheated girl
My heart bleeds girl
So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt
Just a classic case
A scenario
Tale as old as time
Girl you got what you deserved

And now you want somebody
To cure the lonely nights
You wish you had somebody
That could come and make it right

But girl I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy
You'll see.

You should've listened to me, baby
What goes around comes back around.

Justin Timberlake

Friday, July 24, 2009

DaRe To DrEaM !!


They say dreams never do come true..
But they are wrong, I say they do
I dream of violence, I dream of hurt
I dream of children, they live in dirt
I dream of you, I dream of me
I dream of how this was never meant to be
I dream of my feelings, I dream of my thoughts
I dream of these things, I dream of them lots
I dream of my loved ones, I dream of the dead
I dream of these thoughts, exploding my head
I dream of you yelling, I dream of you crying
I dream of you hiding, I dream of you lying
I dream of you hurting, I dream of you shutting me out of your life
I dream of the of the only one I can trust, I dream of my knife.
They say dreams never do come true,
But they are wrong, I say they do.

I DrEaM Of YoU HuRtInG, I DrEaM Of YoU ShUtTiNg Me OuT Of YoUr LiFe.

Awakening to our eternal nature and realizing our absolute connectedness to all of life is something that must be directly experienced in order to be truly understood. Words and people can point us in the right direction, but ultimately it is a journey of one.

It is our willingness to set aside our beliefs and ideals in order to discover what is true beyond all beliefs and ideals that will deliver us from fear and the suffering it causes. It is a fear that arises from the illusion that we are exclusively separate beings in this experience of life, and when that apparent truth is revealed as being only relatively true, a healing occurs and fear is replaced with love. There is an experience of intense compassion, for ourselves as well as for others, for all the unskillful behavior that was perpetrated in service to that naïve illusion of separateness.Gratitude then floods in for all we have and for the opportunity to experience it for the first time without judgment.

when we reach out to another in an open exchange, it is an opportunity to experience the truth of our connectedness to a new degree. We learn to trust, ourselves as well as others, in a way that we could never get to on our own. There is great power woven into the sincere offering of a clear reflection, as we listen without judgment to the words of another. In knowing another at that most intimate level, our own essential being stands more clearly revealed.

We know love feels good. Being accepted, and being cared about feels great. Being hated, beat up, feels “bad”. So we should indeed follow our instincts. That is why we have them.

Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Laugh! Love everyone around you unconditionally! There doesn’t need to be competition. These are just suggestions and I believe there will come a time when we can all see the truth of them for ourselves.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

YoU WaNt To SeE Me DiSaPpEaR?...WeLl So Do I

I woke up this morning feeling a bit off kilter. It wasn’t that I was in a bad mood, more like things felt strange. It might be due to the sun not shining in on me this morning, to greet me as I woke. It is cloudy outside and it makes me wonder if it will rain today.

You know those moments when your mind is just full of so many thoughts that you need to let them out, and find comfort in seeing your thoughts displayed out as words…well this is one of those moments for me.

There is this quote that says that happiness isn’t just an emotion it is a choice, and for the most part we all want to find happiness, but I think sometimes we forget that happiness doesn’t always have to be found, sometimes it can be created. It can be created by our words, actions, hearts, and minds.

I should be moving on. It’s been so long, there’s no use dwelling over the past what I’ve could have done. It’s all in the past, the future what’s matters most. We’re both no longer a part of each others lives… I want to move on, start my life afresh. Will I really be able to this time round? A part of my memory still lingers on… taunting me, keeping me awake in the middle of the night with nothing but faded memories of the times we used to had together, however little it was…

At times, we need to make major shift in our plans to cut off all the ’nice to have’ peripheries and just stay focus on one single most important objective…

Major shift is coming my way… need to super focus…

Alas the mind and the heart works fundamentally differently.

Remember the phrase “a penny for your thoughts”, I constantly think to myself how much would I actually be willing to pay to delve into the realms of her mind. Would I like what I found, would I be able to do anything with what I found. In fact it will only raise more areas of doubt.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

YoU LoOk So InNoCeNt, BuT ThE GuIlT In YoUr VoIcE GiVeS YoU AwAy..

I know it might sound a little strange, yet am compelled by this innate curiosity to understand what people define as love. Our lives run like a poetry of love, for its in love that we grow, evolve and rise up to our potential of what we are and what can we be. My definition and understanding of love has changed over years, and though how much ever I love to give an expression to that emotion, silence always beats me by a great margin.

What do we promise when we say ‘I Love You’? Are we creating an obligation for others to live up to or a promise for me to honor? Or it simply a heartfelt expression of intense emotion? Am left oft confused. All those happily in love, indifferent from its charms and those engaged in pursuit, do pitch in for I would love to hear what you want to say in this.

Now don’t wonder about the context of this question. Probably, all I want deep down in my heart, is to be loved just a little more.

People don’t last forever, sometimes neither relationships do. Yet, its just memories and moments that make us truly alive are those that last forever, or at least till we do.


I guess we all know the answer at the subconscious level, yet it does take a conscious effort to acknowledge, understand and give our life and every living moment to the moment.

Can we design our destiny or rule our fate?

I doubt it very much. Yet, we do hold a control of the passing moments and have the power in our hand to transform them into magical memories for the life time. Just a small thought in this direction really showed me things in a new light.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I WaS So StUpId To ThInK ThAt MaYbE, FoR OnE SeCoNd, YoU CaReD..

That is the first time, I am saying (well writing) that little bit of honest truth about myself. How did I come about this revelation? The other day I was sitting around thinking about this and that, when I started to think about what it means to love someone.

Well, it’s better to be honest than to keep lying to myself about how I feel. So I have no room to give my heart away just yet.Falling asleep to music is one of the simple pleasures of my life. I think if I didn’t have music, my world would be a dark place to be in. Music gives me peace, understanding, and inspiration.

So what is going on in my mind today? By now if you read my blog you know that I am a deep thinker; a trait that is both a curse and a blessing, but mine to bear. Most of the time I get so caught up in what I still need to do, what I did wrong, how far I still need to go, what I am lacking, and blah blah.Why is it that we forget that we are worthy of our dreams, lives, loves, friendships, jobs, and whatever else we have.

There is the story about waterbirds, they take turns carrying each other on their backs as they fly. Supporting and carrying for each other through all the tribulations. I want someone I can support and who can support me. That we can carry each other’s burdens and help each other along the way.

Enjoy being alone, but not being lonely. You have your friends and your family, but most of all you have yourself. So learn to enjoy just being by yourself.

Love shows up in all forms; even in very small and cheeky forms. It has never been a model. It could be the dullest and most boring form …

FoRgiVeNeSs MeAnS GiViNg Up AlL HoPe Of A BeTtEr PaSt.

How often we are stuck in the rut because of a past situation or some unfair thing that we have experienced. We can’t move forward!

Forgiveness! Okay, so life it not always perfect and it doesn’t always turn out in our determined time frame. But what if it is all perfect in it’s creation and we are exactly where we should be and have experienced everything just the way it is supposed to be?

When we stop holding on to the past and the “unfairness” then we can beautifully live in the present moment of NOW and truly live life.

Forgiveness is a step into love. The love of yourself!

Happy loving, forgiving and being!

I TrIeD ToO HaRd BuT ShE ToRe My FeElInGs LiKe I HaD NoNe AnD RiPpeD TheM AwAy..

Do you ever have those days when simple things like someone getting an order wrong is the last straw to a never-ending list of wrongs. I expect people to use their minds and think before they act. I expect people to do what they say they will. If you tell me you are going to do something then you better do it or have a damn good excuse why you didn’t. If you say your going to call, then call.

If there is one thing I hate it is waiting. I hate people keeping me waiting. I do not have and will never find that patience to just let it go. I don’t like broken promises and lateness. Is it a crime for people to keep their word? If you know you might not be able to keep it then don’t say you will do it.It seems like when everything is finally coming together, it begins to break even more.

How does a person know that this person is the one? I used to believe that there is only one person in this world for me, made more me by God himself, but she took me for granted.Being in the right place at the wrong time, being at the wrong place at the right time, being at the wrong place and the wrong time, and then if your lucky being at the right place at the right time. That God has steered us to that time and that place for our paths to cross and never unwind.

I want to challenge myself to go after something I have passion and interest for and see what happens next. Kind of like taking of my barriers and baring myself for the world to see knowing that it doesn’t matter how they seem me what matters is how I see myself. I know it won’t be easy being in a place so different from the world I know. But that is the point, that is is different, new, challenging, but most importantly it is an experience I need at this time in my life to know I have so much more to do, so much more to say, so much more to see.

Life is not fair because life is what we make of it, and we all choose to live it differently. What is a priority for some, means nothing to others. Life could not possibly be fair unless we all conspired to make it so, and why would we want to do that? The excitement, the challenge, the variety, the essence of life comes precisely from the fact that it is not fair. Some people are born with all the advantages, and others come into life with almost nothing going for them. Is that fair? No. Does it make life worth living? Absolutely.

Lets just believe in goodness, it will always be hard when you think its hard.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Of AlL PaInS, ThE GrEaTeSt PaIn, Is To LoVe, AnD To LoVe In VaIn.

Sometimes in life, the hardest thing to do is believe in one’s own ability. We get so scared of dreaming to big, that we sabotage ourselves. Why should we limit our dreams or our desires and conform to what the world wants. I want to hold onto my beautiful dreams, because they belong to only me. I have every right to close my eyes and vision my world, my life, and do my best to make it come true. Yes, sometimes it is hard and sometimes you get disappointed or fail. However, that is no excuse to let go, give up, or limit your dreams. Take a deep breath, and keep pressing forward. Don’t psych yourself out or let fear keep holding you back from your realizing your potential. You are beautiful, capable, and wonderful. So let those that matter see that ,and forget those that would hold you back.

I am someone who’s life has meaning because of the things I can do for others. Maybe that is why I sometimes forget to put myself first, but I have seen the beauty that comes with giving. I want to leave a legacy behind.

Everyone is so spread out, going their own way, and I am here also trying to find my way through this maze called life.

The person that I liked and wrote about has drifted far away from me and I don’t think we will find our way back.I am letting go of some friendships to see if they come back or because I have realized they were never really my friend. I am lettin go of people because it hurts having them around and because I have to move on.

I just want my heart to stop clinging to her…to stop remembering…to stop feeling. I think a person with patience could wait, but for me I am impatient yet I still wait. Is it that I have a choice? No, I wait because there is no other option. When you wait it means things are out of your control and that is how it is for me. Sometimes you have to leave them behind a few steps so you can find what you need.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

DoN't LeT FaLsE LoVe FoOl YoU, BuT DoN't LeT ReAl LoVe PaSs YoU By.

Lightning Could Strike

I know it’s a cornball thing, but love is passion, obsession, something you can’t live without.

I say, fall head over heels, find someone you can love like crazy and who’ll love you the same way back.

How do you find her? Well, you forget your head and you listen to your heart.

The truth is, there’s no sense living your life without this.

To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven’t lived a life at all.

But you have to try, because if you haven’t tried, you haven’t lived.
Who knows, lightning could strike!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

YoU SaY It BeSt.. WhEn YoU SaY NoThInG At AlL..

It is a mystery why we fall in love. It is a mystery how it happens. It is a mystery when it comes. It is a mystery why some loves grow and it is a mystery why some loves fail.

You can analyze this mystery and look for reasons and causes, but you will never do any more than take the life out of the experience. Just as life itself is something more than the sum of the bones and muscles and electrical impulses in the body, love is something more than the sum of the interests and attractions and commonalities that two people share. And just as life itself is a gift that comes and goes in its own time, so too, the coming of love must be taken as an unfathomable gift that cannot be questioned in its ways.

Sometimes-hopefully at least once in your life-the gift of love will come to you in full flower and you will take hold of it and celebrate it in all its inexpressible beauty. This is the dream we all share. More often, it will come and take hold of you, celebrate you for a brief moment, then move on.

When this happens, people too often try to grasp the love and hold it to them, refusing to see that it is a gift freely given and a gift that just as freely moves away. When they fall out of love, or the person they love feels the spirit of love leaving, they try desperately to reclaim love that is lost rather than accepting the gift for what it was, then moving on.

They want answers where there are no answers. They want to know what is wrong with them that makes the other person no longer loves them, or they try to get their lover to change, thinking that if some small thing were different love would bloom again. They blame their circumstances and say that if they go far away and start a new life together their love will grow.

They try anything to give meaning to what has happened. But there is no meaning beyond the love itself, and until they accept its mysterious ways they live in a sea of misery and emotional angst .

I guess we need to all know this about love and to accept it. You need to treat what it brings you with kindness. If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just didn’t choose to rest in the other person’s heart.

If you find someone else in love with you and you don’t love her, feel honored love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. Do not take advantage, do not cause pain. How you deal with love is how love will deal with you, and all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are very different.

If you fall in love with another, and he/she falls in love with you, and then love chooses to leave, do not reclaim it or to access blame. Let it go. There is a reason and there is a meaning. You will know it in time, but time itself will choose the moment.

Remember that you don’t choose love, Love chooses you. Something I am especially grateful for in this lifetime.

Remember this and keep it in your heart I tell myself. Love has its own time, its own season and its own reasons for coming and going.. You cannot bribe it…or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. But if it chooses to leave, from the heart of from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and nothing you should do..In the always has been and will always be..from time immortal a mystery. I guess we should all be glad it came to live for a moment maybe longer in our lives…If you keep your heart will extend those moments for months..years..maybe the rest of your and my life…..