Thursday, July 16, 2009

Of AlL PaInS, ThE GrEaTeSt PaIn, Is To LoVe, AnD To LoVe In VaIn.

Sometimes in life, the hardest thing to do is believe in one’s own ability. We get so scared of dreaming to big, that we sabotage ourselves. Why should we limit our dreams or our desires and conform to what the world wants. I want to hold onto my beautiful dreams, because they belong to only me. I have every right to close my eyes and vision my world, my life, and do my best to make it come true. Yes, sometimes it is hard and sometimes you get disappointed or fail. However, that is no excuse to let go, give up, or limit your dreams. Take a deep breath, and keep pressing forward. Don’t psych yourself out or let fear keep holding you back from your realizing your potential. You are beautiful, capable, and wonderful. So let those that matter see that ,and forget those that would hold you back.

I am someone who’s life has meaning because of the things I can do for others. Maybe that is why I sometimes forget to put myself first, but I have seen the beauty that comes with giving. I want to leave a legacy behind.

Everyone is so spread out, going their own way, and I am here also trying to find my way through this maze called life.

The person that I liked and wrote about has drifted far away from me and I don’t think we will find our way back.I am letting go of some friendships to see if they come back or because I have realized they were never really my friend. I am lettin go of people because it hurts having them around and because I have to move on.

I just want my heart to stop clinging to her…to stop remembering…to stop feeling. I think a person with patience could wait, but for me I am impatient yet I still wait. Is it that I have a choice? No, I wait because there is no other option. When you wait it means things are out of your control and that is how it is for me. Sometimes you have to leave them behind a few steps so you can find what you need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well said. I couldn't agree with you more. I am going through the EXACT same thing. If you love someone, ou fight for them, but at one point, you may have to realize that you lost the fight. There's nothing you can do and it's time to tap out. At least you gave a good fight. U didn't give up. U just.. Woke up and smelled the roses. -- Jackie