Saturday, July 25, 2009

WaTcHiNg ThE WoRlD SpIn RoUnD WhIlE My DrEaMs FaLl DoWn..

Who I Am Is Not Who I Want To Be

It was so tiring trying to be someone I am not and not being true to myself. Thinking the whole world is watching me left me on edge and unable to be me. It took realizing that I am not a bad person. I deserve to be happy, go after my dreams, and to live my life the way I wanted.

It isn’t going to be easy and I know I will fall a few time, but I will always get up. I will not let this world break my spirit or my desire to better myself. As long as I don’t step on people as I move forward towards my dream then I am okay.

I let go of those people who were not treating me well. It is hard to let go of people we have shared our lives and hearts with but I know that there is a reason they are in my past and not my present. That was probably the hardest lesson for me. Letting go of someone I cared about. I decided that a true friend is someone who makes times for you no matter what. They make you a part of their life and don’t keep you hovering around the edges.

We all have our own individual journeys to take.This is your story to tell, you just have to pick up your choice of utensils (voice, art, pen..etc) and tell it to yourself, to the world, to no one..its your choice. But you have to tell it because if you don’t someone else will.

You just cannot dwell in it and let it engulf you. Remember to take a deep breath, let go, and begin again.

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