Friday, July 17, 2009

I WaS So StUpId To ThInK ThAt MaYbE, FoR OnE SeCoNd, YoU CaReD..

That is the first time, I am saying (well writing) that little bit of honest truth about myself. How did I come about this revelation? The other day I was sitting around thinking about this and that, when I started to think about what it means to love someone.

Well, it’s better to be honest than to keep lying to myself about how I feel. So I have no room to give my heart away just yet.Falling asleep to music is one of the simple pleasures of my life. I think if I didn’t have music, my world would be a dark place to be in. Music gives me peace, understanding, and inspiration.

So what is going on in my mind today? By now if you read my blog you know that I am a deep thinker; a trait that is both a curse and a blessing, but mine to bear. Most of the time I get so caught up in what I still need to do, what I did wrong, how far I still need to go, what I am lacking, and blah blah.Why is it that we forget that we are worthy of our dreams, lives, loves, friendships, jobs, and whatever else we have.

There is the story about waterbirds, they take turns carrying each other on their backs as they fly. Supporting and carrying for each other through all the tribulations. I want someone I can support and who can support me. That we can carry each other’s burdens and help each other along the way.

Enjoy being alone, but not being lonely. You have your friends and your family, but most of all you have yourself. So learn to enjoy just being by yourself.

Love shows up in all forms; even in very small and cheeky forms. It has never been a model. It could be the dullest and most boring form …

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