Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LoVe Me, HaTe me... SaY WhAt YoU WaNt AbOuT Me !!

Dreams Blossom Into Priceless Treasures

It is natural for me to miss someone but this girl I used to love is different for she makes me feel that I'm out of my mind. Every time that I'm alone and whenever I hear love songs playing on the radio my tears starts falling down on my cheeks.

Well, I cant blame myself for I loved her unconditionally. I expected too much on her. I thought that she can love me the way I do. I believed on promises she made and its late when I realize that promises are made to be broken.

Now I had learned one solid thing; that nothing in this damn world is permanent. Everything will fade; beauty, things, memories and also love. It just depends on the person how will she handle it and if she will enjoy every moment of it.

Every person wishes to find their love and live happily ever after but unfortunately real life doesn't work that way. We gotta take life for what it is and live it to the best that we can.

It sucks how one can treat me like that but things are better off for me right now. Who's to say what the future will hold for either of me but as long as I live in the moment with no regret, I'll get what I deserve and just hope for the best for her too.

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