Wednesday, July 8, 2009

SiLeNcE Is ThE EnEmY AgAiNsT YoUr UrGeNcY.

Today is yet another day of the sameness of my life. The same thoughts, the same sadness, the same worries. Everyday happens but nothing changes…is it because of me?

I sit here in my room…the only place where I can take off my mask and reveal even if only to myself my inner torment. I don’t know how to explain the darkness that follows me every minute of everyday waiting for me to finally give up and let it consume me.

I don’t know why I am tormented by my inner demons but they persist and I have not learned how to escape from them. They are my constant companion. They are Doubt, Fear, and Sabotage.
Why is it I always fall pray to these melancholy moments? Why can’t I just have it figured out and not be unraveling?

I mean everyone’s past shapes who/how they are in the present and I seem unable to escape from it. Sometimes I just want to forget everything and everyone and leave to start fresh somewhere else.

I used to think I was strong in mind, body, and soul. It is only now that I see it was a false strength used to hide the hollowness inside of me. Day by day, step by step I want to be strong from the inside out and I want to feel liberated from my chains. My past will always be a part of who I am but it won’t hold me down from living, loving, or dreaming.

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