Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I WaNt....YoU WaNt...We WaNt !!

Sometimes you don’t get what you want, and sometimes what you want isn’t what you need. Even so if you don’t know what you want, then what are you going to fight for or towards? I ask this because I am not sure of what I want, and if what I think I want is truly what I want.

You have one life, one chance to find your happiness. Forget the bullshit, the superficiality, and find your way, your path, your happiness. Do what is best for you, and try not to trample on people on your way up, because if your fall no one will catch you. You have the right to be loved for who you are, you have the right to your dreams, you have the right to that little patch of happiness. Seek it, find it, and live it.

You have the ability to change this world no matter how small or large a change is still a change. You are worthy of greatness, of love, or this life. So live it richly, embrace your existence, dreams, and life. Go toward the beauty that lies ahead of you with honor and courage. If your step falters, remember you can still go on,still dream big, the only limitation is the one you place on yourself or let the world place on you.

There is no one way to achieve any of those things. Different strokes for different folks. The great thing about being in a diverse world, is the fact that there is shades of gray, there is more than one way to achieve what you desire, want and need. You have to make that choice and decision of the how once you figure out the what.

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