Sunday, February 7, 2010

WhEn wOrLdS cOlLiDe...

I retreated to the slumbering couch
To read about “the big bang” theory,
When out of the corner of my eye
I saw you glide by like retreating darkness.

Tall and elegantly dressed
You sat down two chairs from me
Oblivious of the cosmic stir
You had set in motion in my universe.

I tried to concentrate on the dominant forces,
Present at the first moment of creation.
As if that could somehow compare
To the strong force now rippling within my heart.

You stood up to announce your departure,
And as you walked by quietly, you glanced down,
And pierced the silence with a Mona Lisa smile,
To let me know, that you knew.

That no matter how strong
The forces that hold this universe together
There is no force of attraction, not even gravity,
Stronger than that between a man and woman.

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