Wednesday, August 26, 2009

YoU GoT To LoSe To KnOw HoW To WiN...


My heart was not prepared for this
yet it has happened
Though it has been stolen
by unkind deceptions
before you ever came

For this reason, I am wary
Having been torn from my bosom
so many times before
I have kept careful vigil
That I might avoid that
Cruel little death I so abhor

Cut by jagged foul blades
so cruelly and insipidly incised
Obsidian rending flesh
while I screeched in ever
increasing and unyielding pain

So mortally damaged and deranged
I locked and barred the portals and edifices
Of the bashed and battered
mound of now pulpy flesh
That none would do such harm again

and then came a gentle rapping
and a kindly yet urgent voice
sweetly singing at the barred
and barren portal so ensconced

NAY say I, none shall ever
be worthy of interloping here again
No more injury could occur inside
without imminent death of being
Off with ye, none has trodden lightly afore

Still, I heard a tapping
and the sweet singing
that was present here before
and now words can be
heard within the gentle song

aye tis another grand deception
thought I, one more cruel trick
with which to mortally flay me

But this entreat was different
it came with a ring of truth
No bold professions of everlasting
and undying falsities

And as I listened, these words
were different than all before
there were no if's or but's
maybe was never uttered

Clear and untroubled it came
expressed in simple words
honesty, compassion, hope
Intrigued by this
I threw one bolt to better hear

Naer once did I hear the one word
I had been fooled by so many times before
Caring, kindness, healing
I heard these, for the first time
And for the first time, sensed
A simple profound truth within

Locks opened, the door inched
apart a fraction that I might hear
"I will not hurt you" and even though
these same words I'd heard before
The gentle manner in which they
were expressed, was unheard of

" I will heal you if you let me in"
" I know who you are"
What is this? None came close
to this before.

The chains dissolved,
locks, door and all turned to dust
I was understood
I was healed

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