Thursday, August 13, 2009

A LeSsOn I'vE LeArNeD ToO WeLl, FoR SuRe So DoN't HaNg Up ThE PhOnE NoW..

So I’m still on a little blogging break. Hopefully I will be back next week with Stuff To Say.

Maybe I'm being cynical but i don’t feel like falling in love again which makes me actually feel a little wounded and makes me think I might be alone for a while. Is this a bad thing?

Maybe but i enjoy my days and I'm inspired. It can’t be a bad thing to care for yourself and do things out of love and not for personal gain. My life has clarity and rings like crystal which is an amazing feeling.

I first discovered this in free diving. when you dive to your threshold it becomes a matter of trust in yourself. Your body tells you to turn back and your mind barks but you don’t turn back because you know something greater than what your body is capable of telling you. I believe this same act applies to matters of the mind and even the heart.

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